Your guide to chain grades

Grade 80 Lifting Chain

Grade 80

Grade 80 has been the choice of many users for over 40 years and offers the widest range of matching strength component items. Standard features include: 

  • Wide range of available sizes and components
  • High strength to weight ratio
  • Safe for overhead lifting and general-purpose lifting slings

Cookes is the authorised New Zealand distributor for Grade 80 components manufacturer Yoke Industrial, and offer grade 80 alloy lifting chain from both Peerless Industrial USA and PWB Anchor, Australia.

Grade 100

Developed in Europe in the late 1990s, and standard features include:

  • Approximately 25% higher Working Load Limit (WLL) than Grade 80
  • Wide range of available sizes
  • Higher strength to weight ratio than Grade 80
  • Safe for overhead lifting and general purpose lifting slings

Cookes is the authorised New Zealand distributor for Grade 100 components manufacturers Yoke Industrial and the Crosby Group (Kuplex). We offer Grade 100 alloy lifting chain from both Peerless Industrial USA and Crosby Group USA.

Grade 100 Lifting Chain
Grade 120 Lifting Chain

Grade 120

Developed in Europe in the mid-2000s, the German manufactured Rud ICE-120 chain and components offer several unique features:

  • 50% higher Working Load Limit (WLL) than Grade 80 lifting chains of the same diameter
  • ICE-120 chain and components dynamically loaded to 20,000 cycles at 1.5 times WLL
  • Higher elongation, double the impact toughness, and 30% better surface hardness than Grade 80 chain to EN 818
  • Duplex surface protection provides superior protection against corrosion
  • Improved resistance to stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen embrittlement
  • Significantly increased life expectancy due to superior alloys and special heat treatment
  • Patented material provides increased resistance to sharp edges
  • Safe for overhead lifting and special purpose lifting slings

Cookes is the authorised New Zealand distributor for German manufacturer Rud and offers the ICE-120 range in sizes 4mm through 16mm.

VIP Maxi Heavy-Lift

A range of 28mm chain and special components from Rud Germany designed specifically for heavy lift applications featuring:

  • Sling Working Load Limits up to 126 tonne
  • Special top link design with integrated chain connection
  • Edge wear resistance
  • Powder coated finish
VIP Maxi Heavy-Lift
Grade 50 Stainless Steel

Grade 50 Stainless Steel

A range of chain and components manufactured in France and certified for overhead lifting featuring:

  • A range of chain and components in sizes from 6mm to 13mm
  • Highly resistant to corrosion in acid and alkaline environments
  • Suitable for use in salt water and marine environments
  • Recommended for food processing and chemical plants
  • Safe for overhead lifting and special purpose lifting slings